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Hearing loss is either irreversible or reversible.

Though there is a possibility that hearing loss will not be reversible, there is still something you can do if you are diagnosed with one.
Treatment for hearing loss depends on what kind or type you have or what caused it. For example, maybe the hearing loss you have is due to excessive wax build-up within your ear canal or a foreign object is stuck that you were not aware of.

This is one kind of hearing loss that is reversible and usually does not pose any threat, but will have to frequently monitor as sometimes it will cause irritation to the outer ear and parts of the middle ear. With this, you will have to visit one of the audiologist in Cebu to have the wax or foreign object removed. When diagnosed with hearing loss, you may also opt for surgical or nonsurgical treatment which will be discussed to you by your doctor.

These surgical treatments include cochlear implants or repair of any abnormalities within your ears like the ear drum. Cochlear implants are only done if you have more severe hearing loss and when hearing aids are no longer beneficial for you at all to be able to hear. When undergoing a cochlear implant, sounds passes the damaged hair cells of the cochlea which then directly stimulates the auditory nerve, so this replaces the function of the inner ear.

On the other hand, nonsurgical treatment include placement of hearing aids, which is commonly preferred as the best solution for mild to severe hearing loss. Hearing aids magnifies certain sounds and reduces unwanted noise. If you opt for hearing aids, you can discuss this with your doctor to try and fit you with a device that would be helpful for your everyday living. Your doctor will also discuss with you the risks and other potential benefits of having a hearing device.

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